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Tired of feeling overwhelmed, emotionally burdened, and in pain?

Reclaim your health and feel grounded, free from pain, and supported while processing your emotions.

Welcome to Mana Acupuncture

Welcome to Mana Acupuncture. We are a fully licensed and board certified acupuncture clinic. Conveniently located on first street, downtown beautiful Granby, Colorado.


At Mana, we believe in order to truly help someone heal we must treat each case on an individual basis, taking into account the person as a whole- mind + body + spirit. Much of the time people are seeking treatment primarily for symptoms without giving thought to where and how these symptoms are arising. In essence, everything within ourselves is connected and in order to truly treat the symptoms we must treat the root cause of the “dis-ease”.


Utilizing the Chinese medicine system allows us to treat more than just symptoms. Through a series of treatments we are able to understand and treat the root cause of our clients symptoms, producing long lasting results instead of just masking problems for a period of time. In addition to acupuncture we may prescribe Chinese herbal therapies along with dietary and lifestyle recommendations.


Acupuncture is extremely effective in treating a wide array of conditions. Some of the most common that we see and treat at Mana Acupuncture include: seasonal allergies, chronic migraines/headaches, anxiety, depression, acute and chronic pain management, insomnia, PMS, and menopause. In addition, we are extremely excited to now be offering cosmetic acupuncture in our office.


Contact us today for a free phone consultation or for more information regarding how we can specifically address your health needs.

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Required of all new patients. In addition to discussing your treatment needs and goals we will




This completely natural and non-invasive treatment includes cosmetic acupuncture....

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For all consecutive treatments in your detailed treatment plan. Also available to existing


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